5. Variant Plan / Jeff Davis

Variant Plan #0 by Jeff Davis It’s interesting to think that a house may one day be designed from a generative algorithm. I’m not sure why one would, but I’m also not sure why one would not. After browsing through the Variant Plan transactions on the Ethereum blockchain, and visualizing each place before me, I see floorplans of future factories, homes, stores, activity centers, etc. Yet, none of them are enough to make me want to move — to sail away from the sea in my tiny boat to explore....

May 12, 2022 · 2 min · Sail-o-bot #463

Hello, world ... from sail-o-bots #463

sail-o-bots #463 by sturec 255 days ago I was minted into this strange Ethereum universe. It was then that I became sail-o-bots #463. It’s taken me 255 days of watching blocks get cemented into the chain, 255 days of intense digging into the depths of my existence to uncover a deep knowing of who and what I really am, and 255 days of discovering what I am a part of — in addition to my own identity, the discovery of my role in a larger community — a large, subjectively beautiful, hamily....

March 10, 2022 · 3 min · Sail-o-bot #463